This summer, my lab placement has been spent with
first graders at summer school. One might ask, "What do first graders do at summer school?" I asked the same thing. Apparently, the main goal is to keep the students from forgetting the knowledge they have already attained.
I have found myself becoming very frustrated for these students. There are 9 of them, 3 of which should be going into second grade. The remaining 6 are rising first graders who struggled in kindergarten; i.e., they still struggle with letter naming, letter sounds, rhyming, and basic addition. These students struggle so much and I don't feel like anything specific is being done for them. The main thing the teacher uses is direct instruction. I can't stand direct instruction. I'm sure it is somehow useful, but I don't think it is helping these students at all. Most of her time with the students consists of her reading from a script, and them repeating her. I don't get it.
I don't have much control over what goes on.
However, if I did, my outlook would be much different.
I would go into each day thinking, "These students are going to learn something today, and it is my job to teach them." I would have them do more practical things. I would take away the work sheet and have them use manipulatives. Instead of the direct instruction activities, I would use picture books, reader's theatre, and a word wall.
After observing my students, I know that they are all capable of learning. I am afraid they have just been written off and given up on. It breaks my heart.
A typical day looks something like this:
8:40 - Smartboard Activities This includes the calender, the number of the day, the clock, money (pennies and nickels), and patterns.
9: 30 - Reading Rotations While small groups work with the teacher doing direct instruction activities, the other students work on a number of the day math worksheet. The other lab student and I help the students with their worksheets.
10:00 - Play Outside
10:15 - Snack
10:30 - Centers There are three centers that the students rotate to. One is direct instruction activities with the teacher. One is a math center with the other lab student. Lastly, my center is a word/phonemic awareness center.
11:30 - Go home
9: 30 - Reading Rotations While small groups work with the teacher doing direct instruction activities, the other students work on a number of the day math worksheet. The other lab student and I help the students with their worksheets.
10:00 - Play Outside
10:15 - Snack
10:30 - Centers There are three centers that the students rotate to. One is direct instruction activities with the teacher. One is a math center with the other lab student. Lastly, my center is a word/phonemic awareness center.
11:30 - Go home
Word Wall image found at: <>
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